Title | Time | Description |
Felkers Falls | 12:30 PM to 4:00 PM | Jim Fisher(04/08/2022 08:40am) - Sunday morning 8:30. Meet in parking lot at the end of Pritchard. Puff , Ride , Beer. We have rode it a couple times and conditions are good. Speedy is in. shawn koslowski (04/08/2022 10:16am) - In John Spekkers (04/08/2022 10:22am) - out but hopefully be down to ride soon. Still have snow on the ground here. Gary Bodden (04/08/2022 11:33am) - sure, let's do it. Graham Hartwell (04/09/2022 08:33pm) - I’m out, lots more to do at Paula’s Dads house. Enjoy the ride! Steve Cowan (04/10/2022 05:16am) - was trying to finish up job in Oshawa but we have to go back Sunday morning. , see u next time. |