eathan knight(09/10/2014 11:43am) - so I have yet to even ride my home town yet. Sunday 8:30am regular meeting spot is the enroute?
After I'll supply the beer and pool table at my house for those who caimn come.
shawn koslowski (09/10/2014 02:46pm) -No can do . Going to Ottawa to work
Gary Bodden (09/11/2014 08:42pm) - sorry ethan can not do this time.
Graham Hartwell (09/12/2014 12:15pm) - im out
John Spekkers (09/13/2014 07:56am) - Sorry Eathan I'm out also
Chris Bodden (09/13/2014 09:21am) - I am out......out of town..
Steve Cowan (09/13/2014 05:42pm) -I'm oot, going to ride something local