shawn koslowski(12/08/2014 06:49pm) - meet @ 6 Ancaster pool
shawn koslowski (12/08/2014 06:52pm) - WEDNESDAY !!
Gary Bodden (12/09/2014 01:47pm) - afternoons...i am out
Graham Hartwell (12/09/2014 01:48pm) - im out.... Just fat and lazy!!!!
John Spekkers (12/09/2014 04:12pm) - I'm in!!
Jim Fisher (12/09/2014 04:47pm) - should be good to go.
Steve Cowan (12/09/2014 07:59pm) - not sure if I can make it.
seem to have lost the drive.fat and lazy seems about right
shawn koslowski (12/10/2014 06:29am) - Are you F'D? Only one way not to be LAZY! GET OFF IT MAN!!