292 Grosvenor Ave N, Hamilton Tri-Plex

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This is the First Floor of the Tri-Plex (3 Bedrooms)

Everything is new, including the wiring and the plumbing!

Fabulous Kitchens This is the first or main floor of the Tri-Plex which has direct access to the front porch, the rear yard and the side entrance. This is in many ways is the show piece of the Tri-Plex. With room in the kitchen for a small table for those quick meals, a separate dinning room and living room, this unit is very spacious.

The house is setup with wired smoke detectors and fire extinguishers on every floor. The porches are lit and the entire back yard is lit from the commercial building that runs the laneway. The laneway is city owned which means it is plowed by the city in the winter months.

If the floor that you are interested in is rented, send us an email and

we'll contact you as it soon as it will comes available!